The altruistic objective of the not-for-profit AMDA Foundation is to promote the development and growth of Australian high-technology industry capability.
We help Australian industry become stronger and more competitive.

The AMDA Connects program developed out of AMDA’s aim to extend industry support outside of the biennial events cycle by translating its ability to deliver high-quality, in-person expositions, to a virtual platform.

AMDA Connects now supports the Australian Defence Export Office (ADEO), Team Defence Australia and the Office of Defence Industry Support (ODIS) in activities promoting Australian defence industry trade and export to international markets.

Australian Defence Export Office

The Australian Defence Export Office (ADEO) was developed in 2018 to coordinate a whole-of-government effort to support the export success of Australian defence industry. The office is also responsible for delivering the initiatives outlined in the Defence Export Strategy.

AMDA Connects has primarily supported ADEO in the absence of an in-person event, or in countries where a trade show does not exist, by providing an online alternative. These online trade missions are delivered by AMDA via a secure online platform, bringing together high-level Australian government decision-makers, industry representatives and companies and their international counterparts and include:

  • Government and Defence Presentations.
  • Company Pitches.
  • B2B Meetings.
  • Simultaneous Online Translation.

Team Defence Australia

Sitting within ADEO is Team Defence Australia, the premier national platform for export-capable Australian defence and dual-use companies to showcase their goods, services, technology and solutions at international trade shows.

Team Defence Australia works with defence industry, the Office of Defence Industry Support (ODIS), Austrade and state and territory governments to help prepare Australian companies to participate as part of an Australian delegation at overseas trade shows and ensure they maximise their international exposure.

AMDA Connects supports Team Defence Australia by offering various services that help the Australian Delegation participate and engage at these international events. These services encompass communication, collaboration, innovation and the promotion of Australian companies and their capabilities.

This support extends to stand-alone events including those with Austrade, Defence Innovation Hub and the Space Industry Association of Australia.

AMDA Connects support capability includes:

  • AMDA Online Webex
    • B2B meetings (both domestic and international).
    • Pre-departure briefs.
    • Seminars.
    • International government meetings with translation services.
  • Production of capability catalogues and supporting collateral for trade missions
    • Information Packs.
    • Industry liaison.
    • Information collation.
    • Graphic design.

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